Friday, April 8, 2011


Our real enemies are not in some distant land, they are not people who's names we do not know and cultures we don't understand.  The enemy is people we know very well and people we can identify.  The enemy is a system that wages war when it is profitable.  The enemy is the CEO's that lay us off our jobs when it is profitable. The enemy is the insurance companies that deny us health care when it is profitable, it's the banks that take away our homes when it is profitable.  Our enemy is not 5000 miles away, they are right here at home.   -Mike Prysner


Anonymous said...

Too true...

and 'they' are 'us' if we keep taking part in them...

Peter Greene said...

'Enemy' is such a harsh word. We are all weak; perhaps we can help each other be strong together.

Kiki said...

I do agree...."enemy" is a very harsh word. I wish that we could exist in a world that people did not feel the need to use it. I think the key is to join our positive energy while we realize that there are people in this world that want to improve themselves and live harmoniously while others are only here to benefit from others suffering.

JediTheOne said...

Great blog Kiki. Love your art work.

As for WAR. The same quote u have here is in this article about WAR on the DarStar blog. You and readers should check it out. It's a two year old post and nothing has changed. :)

WAR..what is it good for? NOTHING!

Nuff Said!

JediTheOne said...

Oh here is the link for the article on war!

Kiki said...

Nothing like finding a rare like mind...... said...

Namaste Kiki, I had not realised you had a separate blog. Very nice site, you and Brad are wonderful artists.

Speaking to your post my sister, possibly good and bad are illusion. Possibly the reflection of darkness you see is a function of love in emergence. Can we truly choose a colour for our pallet without the inherent need for it's contrast to exist.

In Lak' ech, sister Kiki, roses bloom best in manure...

Kiki said...

Christopher, welcome.

Thank you for your thought provoking insight. This has been a year of growth and slow emergence for me nurtured by comments like yours.
